Authors: doc. MUDr. Lejska Mojmír, CSc.;  Mba;  Brno Přednosta Audio Fon Centr Emeritní
Authors‘ workplace: AUDIO-FON centr s. r. o., Obilní trh 4, 602 00 Brno
Published in: Listy klinické logopedie 2020; 4(2): 30-36
Category: Main topic


Examination of the hearing of the youngest children is completely different from the examination of older children and adults. A toddler does not cooperate, has no auditory experience and cannot communicate. It is therefore necessary to use methods other than those based on collaboration between the examiner and the examined. The method of evoked potentials (BERA) is used, which is currently the best method that phoniatricians have and are able to use in this area.

The thesis discusses in detail for which children it is necessary to repeatedly examine hearing with regard to possible hearing impairment. The sooner the hearing impairment is detected and correctly compensated for, including intensive surdopaedic care, the fewer will be the lasting effects on the subsequent life of a child affected in this way.

It would seem that measuring the evoked potential as a completely objective method of investigation is flawless. This is not the case. The second part of the thesis describes the limitations of this examination, with regard to technical and pathophysiological conditions, and thus emphasises a rational outlook on the whole issue.


hearing impairment – youngest children – evoked potentials

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  11. LEJSKA, M., 2016. Vyšetření sluchu u nejmenších dětí. Postgraduální kurz česko-slovenské pedaudiologické společnosti. 3.–4. 11. 2016, Starý Smokovec, Slovenská republika.
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Clinical speech therapy General practitioner for children and adolescents

Article was published in

Clinical speech therapy (Listy klinické logopedie)

Issue 2

2020 Issue 2
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