Wood Dust

Authors: V. Harazím 1;  M. Harazím 1 ;  M. Klimovič 2
Authors‘ workplace: DREKOMA, Suchdol nad Lužnicí 1;  Magnum Parket, a. s., Vyškov u Brna 2
Published in: Pracov. Lék., 60, 2008, No. 4, s. 168-172.
Category: Review article


The aim of the article is to inform the reader about the results of measuring dust in the environment in the wood industry. The double measurement was taken in the factory by an authorized person before and after installation of the patented system of moisturizing of the Austrian firm Merlin-Technology, GmbH Ried in Innkreis. The results showed a significant decrease of dust in the environment. Another substantial aim is to inform health professionals about the new product on the Czech market – the system of moisturizing the air for industrial entreprises.

Key words:
moisturizing the air, increasing relative moisture of the environment, cooling system, decreasing dust in the environment, interference with an electrostatic charge, measuring dust in the environment


1. Nařízení vlády č. 361/2007 Sb.

2. Nařízení vlády č. 523/2002 Sb.

3. ČSN EN 482.

4. IARC 11th Report on Carcinogens (2004).

Hygiene and epidemiology Hyperbaric medicine Occupational medicine
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