The application of treatment with ionized oxygen in occupational medicine

Authors: S. Perečinský;  L. Murínová
Authors place of work: Klinika pracovného lekárstva a klinickej toxikológie LF Univerzity P. J. Šafárika a Univerzitnej Nemocnice L. Pasteura, Košice prednosta doc. MUDr. Ľubomír Legáth, PhD.
Published in the journal: Pracov. Lék., 68, 2016, No. 1-2, s. 65-69.
Category: Review Article


The treatment with ionized oxygen (IO2Th/Engler) is a physical, short-term medical application of partially ionized oxygen. Ionization of oxygen molecules (O2) means their enrichment by one electron (O2•− = electrically negative super anion) or removal one of electron (O2•+= electrically positive cation). Ionized oxygen displays some significant differences, while it possesses significantly more positive biological effects. The significant effects are based on influencing the autonomous nerve system, where parasympathetic nervous system is stimulated by anions, whereas sympathetic system is stimulated by cations. Several published studies were performed on cell cultures and animal models, which investigated biological effects of ionized oxygen. There are publications which confired positive effects of ionized oxygen on the activity of oxygen metabolism and stabilization of cellular structures. Moreover, the ability of ionized oxygen O2•+ to induce destruction of tumor cells was confirmed. In patients with moderate pulmonary hypertension, inhalation of O2•− decreased pulmonary vascular resistance by 30% on the average without any negative effects on other hemodynamic parameters. In two new studies the effects of O2•- inhalation on microcirculation during therapy of traumatic vasoneurosis and displacement of carbon monoxide from erythrocytes was investigated. The patients with traumatic vasoneurosis after O2•− application during plethysmography displayed markedly higher increase of pulse wave amplitude compared with patients inhaling neutral medical oxygen or a control group without application of oxygen therapy. It confirmed the vasodilatation effect of negatively charged oxygen. O2•− also markedly more released carbon monoxide from erythrocytes compared with neutral medical oxygen and O2•+. It may be explained by a better penetration of negative oxygen forms across cellular membrane and a higher supply of oxygen molecules can compete with CO molecules on hemoglobin. This quality might be potentially used in hyperbaric conditions in patients intoxited with carbon monoxide. In spite of the fact that the therapy by ionized oxygen has been tested in many diseases, clinical studies are missing. At the present time there are contribution with specific results, which confirmed beneficial effects of O2•− in the area of occupational medicine in patients with traumatic vasoneurosis as well as in exposure to carbon monoxide.

onized oxygen – therapy by ionized oxygen (IO2Th/Engler) – vibration white finger – carbon monoxide


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Hygiene and epidemiology Hyperbaric medicine Occupational medicine
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