The determination of negative influence of physical factors of working environment on human health by the Saaty method
M. Andrejiová 1; M. Piňosová 2; E. Lumnitzer 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Technická univerzita v Košiciach, Strojnícka fakulta, Katedra aplikovanej matematiky a informatiky, vedúci katedry prof. RNDr. Martin Bača, CSc.
1; Technická univerzita v Košiciach, Strojnícka fakulta, Katedra procesného a environmentálneho inžinierstva, vedúci katedry Dr. H. c. mult. prof. Ing. Miroslav Badida, PhD.
Published in:
Pracov. Lék., 69, 2017, No. 3-4, s. 78-87.
Original Papers
The paper presents the results of the comparison of the negative impacts of selected working environment factors on human health. A group of adjudicators consisted of experts in the field of Occupational health services, doctors from the Department of Occupational Medicine, experts in Public health authority and staff offices accredited in the measurement of physical environmental factors. Adjudicators comprehensively evaluated the negative influence of factors of the working environment on human health. For purposes of the research authors selected six basic physical factors that have the most significant impact on health and welfare of employees at work: noise, vibration, microclimate (heat and humidity microclimate), lighting, solid aerosols and electromagnetic fields. To obtain the balance negative impact Saaty method was used and scales from individual experts were calculated using the method of respective values and respective vectors of the Saaty matrix. The survey showed that the most significant adverse effects on human health have the factor of solid aerosols followed by noise factor and afterwards the factor of vibration. Overall standings severity of the negative impact of factors is as follows solid aerosols > noise > vibration > microclimate > electromagnetic field > lighting.
physical environmental factors – Saaty method (AHP) – negative impact factors
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Hygiene and epidemiology Hyperbaric medicine Occupational medicineArticle was published in
Occupational Medicine

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