Does the end of mining mean the end of coal miner pneumoconiosis?

Authors: J. Kempná
Authors‘ workplace: Oddělení pracovního lékařství, Karvinská hornická nemocnice, a. s., Karviná vedoucí pracoviště MUDr. Irena Landecká
Published in: Pracov. Lék., 69, 2017, No. 3-4, s. 70-77.
Category: Original Papers


The paper deals with the occurrence of coal miner pneumoconiosis as an occupational disease in patients with anamnesis of work in underground mining, who were not in the exposure at the time of diagnosis. Data of persons, where the disease was established in the Karviná area in the years 2000–2016 were processed. The coal miner pneumoconiosis was notified and acknowledged as the occupational disease in 76 patients. Most diseases (90.8%) were detected up to 25 years after the end of dust exposure. There was not any unequivocal relation of the subjective symptoms to the type of determined disease or to the degree of ventilation disorder. In view of the existing occurrence of coal miner pneumoconiosis and the risk of evolution of the disease with certain latency, the authors expects further occurrence of this coal miner pneumoconiosis in the Karviná area in the future.

coal miner pneumoconiosis – occupational disease – latency – follow up examination


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