Endoscopic Autofluorescence for Diagnosis of Laryngeal Tumors
V. Kavečanský; N. Lukán 1
Authors‘ workplace:
ORL oddelenie ORL Humenné, s. r. o.
primár MUDr. I. Hriseňko
IV. interná klinika LF UPJŠ Košice
; prednosta prof. MUDr. I. Tkáč, Ph. D.
Published in:
Otorinolaryngol Foniatr, 59, 2010, No. 4, pp. 225-229.
Comprehensive Reports
The success of laryngeal cancer treatment is influenced by many factors. In addition to decreased incidence due to improvement of public education, regimen, and the use of a functional system of patient follow-up examination, early and precise diagnosis represents the medical decisive factor.
The optical examination of larynx by means of autofluorescence has been implicated among the new methods of examination over the last years. In the ENT outpatient practice this new method of examination helps to differentiate benign lesions from the potentially malignant foci. For a surgeon dealing with ORL oncology it is important for a precise localization of the tumorous focus, which enables optimization of surgical treatment and in this way minimizes mutilation.
The endoscopic autofluorescence is a non-invasive, simple and economically undemanding examination, which can significantly improve early diagnosis of laryngeal tumors. In spite of the fact that this method requires special technical equipment, it can be executed in outpatient conditions without general anesthesia with a markedly short time for examination. The sensitivity of the examination reaches almost 100% and specificity in larynx cancer diagnosis is between 60% and 90%. There are no complications in the meaning of photosensitivity or allergic reactions.
Key words:
autofluorescence, endoscopy, diagnostics, carcinoma of larynx
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