Shot Injury of the Thorax Associated with the Left Carotid Trauma – A Case Review

Authors: J. Čanádyová;  A. Mokráček;  M. Šetina
Authors place of work: Kardiocentrum – Kardiochirurgické oddelenie, Nemocnice České Budějovice, a. s., prim. oddelenia: MUDr. A. Mokráček, CSc.
Published in the journal: Rozhl. Chir., 2007, roč. 86, č. 3, s. 142-143.
Category: Monothematic special - Original


The case review describes a shot injury of the thorax (without direct injury of the heart or lungs), with signs of advanced bleeding from the injured carotid artery. Employment of extracorporeal circulation facilitated safe extraction of the projectile and sound revisionining of all traumatized structures and their safe reconstruction.

Key words:
shot injury of the thorax – carotid injury – extracorporeal circulation

Surgery Orthopaedics Trauma surgery

Článok vyšiel v časopise

Perspectives in Surgery

Číslo 3

2007 Číslo 3
Najčítanejšie tento týždeň
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