A Synchronous Tumor of the Rectum and Kidney. A Case Review
M. Duffek; O. Bencúr; F. Rusňák
Authors‘ workplace:
Chirurgická klinika ÚVN SNP Ružomberok, Slovenská republika, prednosta: h. doc. MUDr. O. Benúr, Ph. D.
Published in:
Rozhl. Chir., 2007, roč. 86, č. 6, s. 306-308.
Monothematic special - Original
Incidence of multiple synchronic carcinomas is on rise. It may be attributed to improvements in diagnostic technology and other factors, as well. The authors wish to share their experience in this case review dealing with the synchronic colorectal carcinoma and carcinoma of the left kidney, with literature data added. The causative factors of the multiple tumors should be searched for at subcellural levels. They result from genetic transformations in a particular patient and may also be affected by environmental factors. It must be remembered, that cancer need not affect a single organ system. However, a single organ system may be affected by cancer in several locations, which must be born in mind when a diagnosis is made.
Key words:
multiple carcinoma – synchronic carcinoma – metachronic carcinoma – colorectal carcinoma
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