Pseudoaneurysm of the Hepatic Artery Presenting with Hemobilia – a Complication of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy

Authors: K. Schwarzmannová 1;  T. Poch 1;  J. Šimša 1;  T. Vidim 1;  P. Chudomel 1;  P. Volšanský 2;  S. Kašík 3;  M. Chochola 4
Authors‘ workplace: Chirurgické oddělení Oblastní nemocnice Kolín, a. s., primář: doc. MUDr. J. Šimša, Ph. D. 1;  Endoskopické centrum Oblastní nemocnice Kolín, a. s., primář: MUDr. P. Volšanský 2;  Radiodiagnostické oddělení Oblastní nemocnice Kolín, a. s., primář: MUDr. S. Kašík 3;  Angiocentrum Kolín, a. s., vedoucí lékař: MUDr. P. Kudrna 4
Published in: Rozhl. Chir., 2008, roč. 87, č. 7, s. 360-363.
Category: Monothematic special - Original


Hemobilia, defined as a bleeding into the bile duct, is a rare disease. One of its infrequent causes is a hepatic artery pseudoaneurysm, usually developed after arterial iatrogenic leasion.

Material and methods:
A case review, presenting right hepatic artery pseudoaneurysm with a biliovascular fistula as a consequence of hepatic artery and bile duct injuries during „uncomplicated“ laparoscopic cholecystectomy.

Bile duct injury is one of the most serious complication after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Hepatic artery may be injured simultaneously, resulting in the pseudoaneurysm and/or biliovascular fistula, presenting with hemobilia. Time interval from the injury to symptoms widely varies from few hours to weeks or even several months.

Melena or hematemesis after recent laparoscopic cholecystectomy should be always suspicious from hepatic artery and/or bile duct injuries, manifesting with hemobilia.

Key words:
laparoscopic cholecystectomy – complication – pseudoaneurysm – biliovascular fistula – hemobilia – embolisation – stent


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Surgery Orthopaedics Trauma surgery

Article was published in

Perspectives in Surgery

Issue 7

2008 Issue 7
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