Predictive Factors for Non-Sentinel Lymph Nodes Affection in Breast Carcinoma – Outcomes of a Czech Multicenter Study of Sentinel Lymph Nodes
K. Šťastný 1; V. Červinka 1; J. Šiller 1; K. Havlíček 1; J. Gatěk 2
; M. Vachtová 3; I. Zedníková 3; A. Ňaršanská 3; B. Sůvová 3; V. Třeška 3; O. Kubala 4; J. Prokop 4; P. Ostruszka 4; J. Dostalík 4; H. Hornychová 5; E. Hovorková 5; A. Ryška 5; M. Hácová 6; P. Rothröckel 6; P. Vážan 7; J. Velecký 7; O. Hes 8; M. Michal 8; J. Horáček 9; P. Buzrla 9; M. Čegan 9; R. Tomanová 9; J. Dvořáčková 9; J. Záhora 10
Authors‘ workplace:
Chirurgická klinika, Pardubická krajská nemocnice a. s.
1; Chirurgické oddělení nemocnice Atlas Zlín, Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně
2; Chirurgická klinika FN v Plzni
3; Chirurgická klinika FN Ostrava
4; Fingerlandův ústav patologie LF UK a FN Hradec Králové
5; Oddělení patologie, Pardubická krajská nemocnice a. s.
6; Bioptická a cytologická laboratoř Zlín
7; Šiklův patologicko-anatomický ústav FN Plzeň
8; Ústav patologie FN Ostrava
9; Katedra biofyziky, Lékařská fakulta Univerzity Karlovy v Hradci Králové
Published in:
Rozhl. Chir., 2011, roč. 90, č. 6, s. 348-351.
Monothematic special - Original
The aim of the study was to assess positivity nonsentinel lymph nodes in patients with macro, micro and submicrometastases in sentinel lymph nodes and find predictive factors of positivity nonsentinel lymph nodes. Study was conducted at the Department of Surgery in Pardubice, Pilsen, Ostrava and Zlín.
Material and methods:
Sentinel lymph nodes were assessed based on standards of Czech Pathological Society. Detection of sentinel lymph nodes was performed based on radionavigation or combination of radionavigation and blue dye method.
In group N1 (macrometastases) there was found positivity of nonsentinel lymph nodes in 50% (45 from 90 patients). In group N1 Mi (micrometastases) there was found positivity of nonsentinel lymph nodes in 26.7% (16 from 60 patients). In group N0 I+ (submicrometastases) there was found positivity of nonsentinel lymph nodes in 6.7% (1 from 15 patients).Predictive factors were size of metastasis, number of positive sentinel lymph nodes and grading. Size of tumor was not found to be a predictive factor of positivity nonsentinel lymph nodes.
High positivity of nonsentinel lymph nodes in pacients with macro and micrometastases in sentinel lymph nodes advocates to perform axillary lymph nodes dissection. Due to small number of patients with submicrometastases it is not possible to assess if axillary dissection is necessary or not. Predictive factors of positivity of nonsentinel lymph nodes are size of metastasis in sentinel lymph nodes, number of positive sentinel lymph nodes and grading. Size of tumor was not found to be a predictive factor due to small tumors in the study. In spite of this it is necessary to consider it like a predictive factor of positivity nonsentinel lymph nodes.
In patients with macro and micrometastases it is necessary to perform axillary dissection. In patients with submicrometastases in sentinel lymph nodes it is necessary to consider predictive factors.
Key words:
macrometastases – micrometastases – submicrometastases – sentinel lymph node – nonsentinel lymph node – predictive factor
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