NOSE (Natural Orifice Specimen Extraction) in laparoscopic colorectal surgery
J. Dostalík 1; P. Guňková 1; L. Martínek 1
; M. Mazur 1; I. Guňka 1; V. Richter 2; L. Tulinský 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Katedra chirurgických oborů LFOU v Ostravě, vedoucí katedry: Doc. MUDr. Jan Dostalík, CSc
1; Chirurgická klinika FN Ostrava, přednosta: Doc. MUDr. Jan Dostalík, CSc
Published in:
Rozhl. Chir., 2012, roč. 91, č. 3, s. 141-145.
Original articles
The aim of this study was to asses our initial first experience with NOSE techniques in laparoscopic colorectal surgery with both transanal and transvaginal extraction.
Material and methods:
In this prospective study, the authors analyzed data from patients in whom NOSE laparoscopic sigmoid, rectosigmoid and rectal resections were performed in the Department of Surgery, University Hospital Ostrava, from May 2011 to October 2011. A group of 7 patients was analyzed based on demographic characteristics (sex, age and BMI). Tumor localization, type of extraction (transanal/ transvaginal), the number of removed lymph nodes, tumor size, histology and length of the specimen were also assessed. Furthermore, the following intraoperative data were evaluated: duration of the procedure, frequency of intraoperative complications and conversion rate. During the postoperative period, duration of hospitalization and morbidity rates were evaluated.
The patient group included 2 male (28.6%) and 5 female (71.4%) subjects, their median age was 70 years (61–80), BMI 26,76 (24.76–34.67). The pathology was located in the sigmoid colon in 4 cases (57.1%) and in the proximal rectum in 3 cases (42.9%). Transanal extraction was performed in 5 patients (71.4%) and transvaginal extraction in 2 patients (28.6%). The average number of harvested lymph nodes was 13 (10–15), the average lenght of specimen was 16 cm (13–20) and the average tumor size was 4 cm (2–6). Histologically, adenocarcinoma was confirmed in 6 cases (85.7%), and low grade adenoma in 1 case (14.3%). The median duration of surgery was 205 min (140–300) and no intraoperative complications were recorded. No surgical conversion was required. No postoperative complications occured and the median duration of of hospital stay was 7 days (5–11).
In the selected group of patients, NOSE technique proved to be a safe technique for laparoscopic colorectal procedures, reducing the risk of incisional complications while maintaining the principles of oncological radicality. Therefore, it may be considered a bridge towards NOTES (Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery), surgery without scars.
Key words:
laparoscopic colorectal surgery – NOSE – transanal extraction – transvaginal extraction
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