Injury to the abdominal wall by a foreign body with a late perforation of the GIT

Authors: J. Hanzel;  J. Horňák;  A. Krausko;  M. Mokrý
Authors‘ workplace: Chirurgické oddelenie MN Zlaté Moravce, primár: MUDr. J. Hanzel
Published in: Rozhl. Chir., 2012, roč. 91, č. 8, s. 433-437.
Category: Case Report


The authors present the case of a patient with an abdominal puncture wound who developed, in two weeks, perforation of the colon with an unrecognized foreign body in the abdominal cavity.

Key words:
abdominal puncture wound – late perforation of the bowel with glass


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Surgery Orthopaedics Trauma surgery
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