Shoulder arthrodesis using an external fixator in the treatment of chronic inflammatory complications of proximal humeral fractures
M. Král 1; J. Pilnáček 2; S. Taller 1; M. Křivohlávek 1; R. Lukáš 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Traumatologicko-ortopedické centrum se spinální jednotkou, Krajská nemocnice Liberec, a. s., přednosta:
MUDr. R. Lukáš, PhD.
1; Ortopedicko-úrazové oddělení, Oblastní nemocnice Kladno, a. s., primář: MUDr. J. Deniger
Published in:
Rozhl. Chir., 2013, roč. 92, č. 5, s. 255-259.
Original articles
Chronic osteomyelitis is a serious chronic condition that frequently results in permanent after-effects. Treatment is complex, lengthy and costly.
Material and methods:
Between the beginning of 2003 and the end of 2010, 438 operations of the proximal humerus were performed at our department using either angle-stable osteosynthesis or hemiarthroplasty. In four cases out of this group of patients, deep tissue infection affecting the bone developed. These four patients were treated with arthrodesis of the shoulder joint using an external fixation device. Arthrodesis was also the treatment method in a patient who previously received conservative treatment but developed chronic osteomyelitis.
Healing of the infectious focus along with the formation of stable, painless shoulder was achieved in all five patients, with the arthrodesis offering full support for the limb’s periphery.
The above method represents an alternative to reverse arthroplasty of the shoulder joint usually performed after infection is cured. While function of the limb usually worsens after arthrodesis, the risk of recurring inflammation is substantially lower.
Key words:
fractures of the proximal humerus – chronic osteomyelitis – shoulder arthrodesis
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