Severe acute pancreatitis – managing complications using a combination of minimally invasive approaches
L. Doležalová 1; P. Volšanský 1; F. Neumann 1; L. Denemark 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Oblastní nemocnice Kolín, a. s., Endoskopické centrum, primář: MUDr. P. Volšanský
1; Oblastní nemocnice Kolín, a. s., Chirurgie, primář: MUDr. L. Denemark
Published in:
Rozhl. Chir., 2014, roč. 93, č. 4, s. 216-219.
Case Reports
In this case report, we describe the case of a 30-year-old obese patient with severe acute pancreatitis complicated during hospitalization by the development of infected necrosis, a pseudocyst and an abscess. We demonstrate a possible solution to these complications using a combination of minimally invasive approaches. The contribution of this case report resides in that it presents a combination of the percutaneous approach and the endosonographic approach in the treatment of pancreatic necrosis. We believe that in such an extensive necrosis of the pancreas as is described in our case, this combined approach is optimal. The condition for implementing such a procedure is a well-staffed and technically equipped workplace.
Key words:
acute pancreatitis – pancreatic necrosis – pseudocyst – video-assisted endoscopic necrosectomy – pseudocystogastrostomy
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