The role of drains in pancreatic surgery
F. Čečka 1; B. Jon 1; M. Loveček 2; P. Skalický 2
; Z. Šubrt 1,3; Č. Neoral 2; A. Ferko 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Chirurgická klinika Fakultní nemocnice Hradec Králové a Lékařské fakulty UK v Hradci Králové, přednosta kliniky:
prof. MUDr. A. Ferko, CSc.
1; I. chirurgická klinika Fakultní nemocnice Olomouc a Lékařské fakulty Univerzity Palackého Olomouc
přednosta kliniky: prof. MUDr. Č. Neoral, CSc.
2; Katedra vojenské chirurgie, Fakulta vojenského zdravotnictví Hradec Králové, Univerzita Obrany Brno
vedoucí katedry: doc. MUDr. J. Páral, Ph. D.
Published in:
Rozhl. Chir., 2014, roč. 93, č. 9, s. 450-455.
Podpořeno MZ ČR – RVO ( FNHK, 00179906).
Pancreatic fistula is a significant complication following pancreatic resection. Several methods aimed at lowering the postoperative pancreatic fistula rate were studied in the past. These methods mainly include pharmacological prophylaxis and technical modifications of pancreatic remnant management. Another method which can influence postoperative pancreatic fistula rate is the use of and the manipulation with intra-abdominal drains following pancreatic resection. Recent studies have shown that the use of the drains, the type of drain and manipulation with the drains can influence the outcomes. The aim of this review is to summarize current knowledge about the use of drains in pancreatic surgery.
There are three questions to ask when studying the use of drains in pancreatic surgery:
1) Whether to use the drains at all 2) When to remove the drains? 3) Which type of the drain is more appropriate?
Ad 1) Despite the growing number of studies showing comparable or even better results in patients without intra-abdominal drains following pancreatic resection, the latest randomized study proved that avoiding the use of drains is associated with more clinically significant postoperative complications and higher postoperative mortality. It is also important to consider the risk factors of pancreatic fistula development, especially pancreatic texture and the main pancreatic duct diameter. Currently, pancreatic resection without intra-abdominal drains cannot be routinely recommended.
Ad 2) Two studies addressed the question when to remove the drains after pancreatic resection, and both studies clearly showed that early removal brings better results.
Ad 3) No study has specifically addressed the question whether the type of drain can influence the rate of postoperative pancreatic fistula and of other complications. Gravity drains and closed-suction drains are most commonly used nowadays. The closed-suction drains are more effective due to the active suction. On the other hand, active suction can cause leak of the amylase-rich fluid through the pancreatic anastomosis or suture line and thus promote the development of pancreatic fistula or even worsen its clinical significance. There are no data in the literature so far regarding the type of drain. Therefore, we have commenced a randomized control trial which aims to compare closed-suction drains and closed gravity drains.
Key words:
Pancreatic resection – intra-abdominal drainage − gravity drain − closed-suction drain
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