Breast angiosarcoma induced by radiotherapy – surgical treatment options and review of literature
O. Kubala 1; J. Prokop 1; L. Petráš 2; P. Ihnát 1; P. Jelínek 1; P. Ostruszka 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Chirurgická klinika, FN LF Ostravské univerzity, Ostrava
přednosta: doc. MUDr. I. Penka, CSc.
1; Popáleninové centrum FN Ostrava
primářka: MUDr. Z. Němečková Crkvenjaš, MBA
Published in:
Rozhl. Chir., 2017, roč. 96, č. 8, s. 353-358.
Case Report
Radiation-induced angiosarcoma is a rare but very aggressive tumour. The highest risk of sarcoma development is in patients after breast-conserving surgery.
Case 1:
The 66 years old patient underwent radical mastectomy with axillary dissection because of ductal carcinoma with consequent radiotherapy, chemotherapy and hormonal therapy. After 6 years, high-grade angiosarcoma was diagnosed and resected with negative resection margins. Within subsequent 24 months, additional three radical re-excisions were performed because of repeated sarcoma recurrence. 29 months from the diagnosis of the first sarcoma, another radical re-excision was performed, this time with positive resection margins and with consequent disease progression. The patient died three years after the first angiosarcoma diagnosis.
Case 2:
The 68 years old patient underwent breast-conserving surgery with axillary dissection because of ductal carcinoma and radiotherapy. Breast colour changes were observed 6 years later; radical mastectomy was performed after additional 16 months due to locally advanced angiosarcoma. Given positive resection margin, radical re-excision with musculocutaneous musculus latissimus dorsi flap was done. 24 months later, a small sarcoma recurrence was detected near the upper resection margin, which was managed by radical re-excision. 52 months after radical operation, a metastasis was diagnosed by means of PET/CT in the contralateral axilla. Radical axillary dissection was performed (two metastases were found in axillary lymph nodes). According to follow-up, the patient has been free of any recurrence for 66 months from the radical surgery.
Recommendations regarding the management of radiotherapy induced breast angiosarcoma are very vague due to limited evidence. Radical surgical excision with negative resection margins (potentially with complementary flap reconstruction) presents the fundamental approach to breast angiosarcoma.
Key words:
radiation-induced angiosarcoma – breast cancer – surgery
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