Bleeding from lumbar ventral epidural venous plexus managed with hemostatic agent from oxidized non-regenerated cellulose
R. Hart
Authors‘ workplace:
Klinika traumatologie Lékařská fakulty Masarykovy univerzity, Úrazová nemocnice v Brně
; Ortopedicko-traumatologické oddělení nemocnice Znojmo
Published in:
Rozhl. Chir., 2019, roč. 98, č. 6, s. 245-247.
Original articles
Introduction: Bleeding from epidural blood vessels may be an unpleasant complication during surgery of the lumbar spine, which is often difficult to manage with electrocoagulation. The use of local hemostatic agents is a possible solution. This paper presents the first experience with an agent of oxidized non-regenerated cellulose.
Methods: The agent of oxidized non-regenerated cellulose was used in 21 patients (12 women and 9 men) to stop bleeding from the ventral epidural lumbar venous plexus. It was always removed before the end of the operation.
Results: In all cases, bleeding was stopped within 2 minutes. Bleeding did not recur until the end of surgery (even after removal of the agent). No early or other complications were observed in the patients studied.
Conclusion: The agent of oxidized non-regenerated cellulose appears to be a rational and effective solution for bleeding from epidural veins in the lumbar spine.
bleeding – lumbar spine – epidural vessels – hemostatic agents – oxidized cellulose
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Surgery Orthopaedics Trauma surgeryArticle was published in
Perspectives in Surgery

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