Perforace divertiklu tlustého střeva králičí kostí –

Authors: T. Kriegler;  J. Majernik;  V. Ninger
Authors place of work: Chirurgické oddělení, Chrudimská nemocnice, Nemocnice Pardubického kraje a. s.
Published in the journal: Rozhl. Chir., 2021, roč. 100, č. 2, s. 94-96.
Category: Case Report


Authors present a case of a 58-year old pacient that underwent acute surgery for perforation of descending colon diverticulum by swallowed rabbit bone. The thesis focuses only on foreign bodies swallowed by adult patients. Comprehensive spectrum of foreign bodies that have entered the digestive tract in another way is omitted.


foreign body – perforation – diverticulosis of colon – Peritonitis

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