Acute hand infections and surgical treatment

Authors: A. Schmoranzová;  T. Hellmuth;  D. Horáčková;  L. Smrčková;  F. Hájek;  E. Čermáková
Authors‘ workplace: Ústav chirurgie ruky a plastické chirurgie, p. o., Vysoké nad Jizerou
Published in: Rozhl. Chir., 2024, roč. 103, č. 10, s. 369-380.
doi: https://doi.org/10.48095/ccrvch2024369


Hand infection is a common and frequent problem encountered by surgeons in their outpatient clinics. The causes are varied, ranging from trauma to surgical intervention and to the spread of infection from elsewhere on the body. The causative agents of infection are also varied, and although bacteria are the most common ones, viruses, fungi, and, of course, the problem of diagnosis after parasite infestation as well as rare causes of infections must also be considered. The diagnosis should be quick and the treatment should be as aggressive as possible without undue delay in a justified situation. This will avoid serious complications and consequences of infection on such a complex structure as the hand. The aim of this article is to provide an overview of the problem, and to provide information to support early diagnosis. Therapeutic options and interventions are proposed, with an emphasis on a modern, i.e. active, approach to the problem. Possible prevention of infection on the hand is mentioned. The article aims to improve clinical practice in the care of the hand with infection.


acute – infection – hand – paronychium – felon

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MUDr. Alena Schmoranzová
Ústav chirurgie ruky a plastické chirurgie, p.o.
Dr. Karla Farského 267
512 11  Vysoké nad Jizerou
Surgery Orthopaedics Trauma surgery
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