Identification of proliferation markers in endometrial carcinoma
V. Šišovský; Ľudovít Danihel; P. Babál; M. Palkovič; J. Jakubovský; B. Bučeková; M. Budaj; A. Molnárová
Published in:
Prakt Gyn 2008; 12(4): 236-244
Práce je převzata z časopisu Praktická gynekológi a, 2007; 14(3): 112–120 na základě spolupráce redakcí našich časopisů a dohody o výměně odborných prací.
Endometrium is a specialised tissue characteristic by intravital changes of its morphological appe arance as well as of the expression of different proteins. A total of 60 formalin‑fixed and paraffin‑embedded biopsy tissue samples with proliferative (PE, 10) and secretory (SE, 10) endometrium, endometrio id G1 (ECG1, 10) and G3 (ECG3, 10), serous (SC, 10) and cle ar cell (CCC, 10) endometrial carcinoma (ECa) were evalu ated immunohistochemically (IHC) for the expression of PCNA, Ki- 67 and p53 proteins in the nuclei of endometrial epithelial cells. The expression of PCNA and Ki- 67 was high in PE, with considerable decre ase in SE. In CaE, the ex pression of PCNA and Ki- 67 was high and did not significantly differ from the ex pression in PE and in various histological subsets and grades of ECa. The highest expression of PCNA and Ki- 67 was in the subset of aggressive ECa. The expression of p53 was related only to aggressive (mainly SC and ECG3, less CCC) types of ECa and to the worse clinical behavior of the oncological illnesses. In conclusion, the pro‑teins p53, Ki- 67 and PCNA are important prognostic markers of ECa. Evalu ation of these proteins by IHC is an relatively inexpensive and simple method with implica tions for clinical practice. In ECa there is an incre ased expression of p53. Ki- 67 and PCNA are excellent markers of malignant transformation of endometrial cells espe cially in postmenopa usal period that do not produce under normal conditions (Tab. 1, Fig. 8) [73].
Key words:
endometrial carcinoma – proliferation markers – PCNA – Ki- 67 – p53 – im munohistochemistry – prognostic markers.
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Practical Gynecology

2008 Issue 4
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