CI therapy – a Chance for Chronic Patients after Brain Damage
K. Laská; R. Holaňová
Authors‘ workplace:
Sanatoria Klimkovice, prim. MUDr. T. Bauko
Published in:
Rehabil. fyz. Lék., 23, 2016, No. 4, pp. 209-212.
Original Papers
Constraint Induced Movement Therapy (CI therapy) represents a concept for the therapy of patients after brain damage in the chronic stage of the disease. It is presently an intensive therapeutic rehabilitation program of the Klimkovice Sanatoriums, which are the only certified workplaces for this kind of therapy n the Czech Republic. The concept was adopted from abroad with first very good clinical results at our workplace. The structure is relatively fixed and the therapeutic approach is influenced by psychological elements. The theory of this therapy states that it is necessary to overcome the accustomed lack of using the extremity (or in case of the lower extremity its wrong use). The therapy includes a part devoted to special interventions, sc. Shaping procedures, part of common daily activities in Task Practice duties and Transfer Package. The composition of a Behavioral treaty is the indispensable part as well as putting a special glove on the healthy extremity aimed at limiting active locomotion for the period of three weeks in case of CI therapy of upper extremity..
CIMT, CI therapy, Shaping tasks, Task Practice tasks
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Physiotherapist, university degree Rehabilitation Sports medicineArticle was published in
Rehabilitation & Physical Medicine

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