Work Environment Evaluation for People with Physical Disability by an Occupation Therapist
K. Rybářová; Z. Rodová; O. Švestková
Authors‘ workplace:
Klinika rehabilitačního lékařství 1. LF UK a VFN v Praze
přednostka doc. MUDr. O. Švestková, Ph. D.
Published in:
Rehabil. fyz. Lék., 24, 2017, No. 3, pp. 178-181.
Review Article
Participation in labor market of adult people with physical disability is the main goal of their rehabilitation. Barriers of work environment can greatly limit people with physical disability in their employment. Occupational therapists, the members of interprofessional rehabilitation team, are competent to carry out the evaluation of the accessibility of the work environment of people with physical disabilities. They can also suggest appropriate solutions to remove the barriers found. The process of occupational intervention focused on selecting suitable facilitators is quite complicated. Nowadays, in the Czech Republic, the occupational therapists do not have any guidelines or tool to make it easier for them to do so. This article summarizes the possibilities of making occupational evaluation of the work environment of people with physical disabilities and provides basic recommendations to therapists working in the Czech Republic.
occupation therapy, people with physical disability, factors of work environment, evaluation of work environment, adjustments of work environment
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Physiotherapist, university degree Rehabilitation Sports medicineArticle was published in
Rehabilitation & Physical Medicine

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