Occupational therapy of people with acquired brain injury in the home environment focusing on barriers and facilitators

Authors: Kuželková A. 1,2;  Vacková J. 1;  Ptaková S. 2;  Podzemná D. 2;  Pechoušková K. 1;  Angerová Y. 2
Published in: Rehabil. fyz. Lék., 31, 2024, No. 3, pp. 134-143.
Category: Original Papers
doi: https://doi.org/10.48095/ccrhfl 2024134


Aim: The aim of the article is to present the results of occupational therapy intervention in the framework of coordinated community rehabilitation. The main aim is to address the disabling situations of people after acquired brain injury in the home setting, which are mainly related to the evaluation of housing and the indication of facilitation resources. Methods: A methodological triangulation was used with a predominantly qualitative component in an action research study of a 3-month coordinated interprofessional rehabilitation in a home setting. The data collection techniques are interviews with clients and their family members, observations in the home environment, document analysis and the use of standardized tests (FIM, WHODAS 2.0) to assess the development of self-sufficiency, functional status and subjective perception of the probands quality of life. Results: A total of 17 people from the South Bohemia region and 6 additional people from the Prague and Central Bohemia region were included in the final processing of the results focusing on occupational therapy intervention. Overall, the predominant diagnosis was stroke. As part of the identification of barriers and facilitators, the client‘s family plays a significant role. Most of the clients needed minor adjustments or minor aids indicated by the occupational therapist after the stroke, i.e. especially financially less demanding facilitators, which are essential in terms of independence and safety in performing normal daily activities. For people with tetraplegia or more severe hemiparesis, more substantial modifications were indicated, such as a wheelchair lift or installation of a ramp, platform, stair lift, or a wheelchair accessible bathroom with shower. Here, cooperation with a social worker regarding funding seems to be highly desirable. Conclusion: Clients perceive the positive benefits of the intervention but lack further follow-up rehabilitation. The occupational therapist is irreplaceable in the team. From the analysis of the interviews, the need for family care for the client is evident, but the care and guidance of the family cannot be neglected. Both needs should be an appeal to professionals for a quality interprofessional approach, where the family and the clients are a full part of the team.


occupational therapy – acquired brain injury – family – home environment – interdisciplinary research

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Doručeno/Submitted: 5. 2. 2024
Přijato/Accepted: 6. 8. 2024
Korespondenční autor:
Mgr. Anna Kuželková
Klinika rehabilitačního lékařství
1. LF UK a VFN v Praze
Albertov 7
Praha 2
e-mail: anna.kuzelkova@lf1.cuni.cz
Physiotherapist, university degree Rehabilitation Sports medicine
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