On mixed statistical moments of texture in ultrasound B-mode images

Authors: Jaromír Šrámek 1,2;  Jiřina Škorpíková 2
Authors‘ workplace: Department of Biophysics, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic 1;  Pathology, Hospital Jablonec n/N, Jablonec nad Nisou, Czech Republic 2
Published in: Lékař a technika - Clinician and Technology No. 2, 2013, 43, 13-16
Category: Original research


Texture is one of the most important propeties of ultrasound image. Because subjective evaluation of there is limited by the lack of capability of a natural language to rigorous description of texture, there are used a wide spectrum of texture descriptors. In the viewpoint of mathematics is texture of an object in the digital image generally a discrete stochastic process. Texture of the concrete object is thus the realization of this stochastic process. It shows, in some mathematical simplifications, of course, the possible way to compare of two textures. In this work, we analyzed the usefulness of mixed statistical moments of textured pattern in ultrasound image. The main result is that mixed moments may be useful to texture analysis of ultrasound images. A little bit surprising is relatively high sensitivity of mixed moments on anisotropy of ultrasound images.

medical ultrasound, texture analysis, statistical moments


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