Přístupy ke sledování nákupů zdravotnických přístrojů
Gleb Donin; Silvie Jeřábková; Peter Kneppo
Authors‘ workplace:
Česká republika
; Fakulta biomedicinského inženýrství, České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Kladno
Published in:
Lékař a technika - Clinician and Technology No. 1, 2015, 45, 27-31
Original research
This article presents the approaches used for tracking purchases of medical equipment in the Czech Republic. Developed tracking system allows monitoring and evaluation of the procurement effectiveness and provides objective information to all parties involved in planning of medical equipment acquisition. The data collection process was designed and tested. Reports were designed and created based on multi-criteria comparisons within a complex data model. This model is based on formalization of procurement information and is designed to formulate hypotheses about the procurement effectiveness. Multi-criteria approach is based on the evaluation of medical devices purchases based on a set of criteria specified by the user. These criteria include the terms and conditions of purchase, the price of medical equipment and technical parameters. Designed system allows users to compare the purchase orders, identify their weaknesses and use this information to plan further acquisitions of medical equipment.
medical equipment, procurement tracking, data reporting, data modelling
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BiomedicineArticle was published in
The Clinician and Technology Journal

2015 Issue 1
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