Kinematic navigation for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Radek Hart; Jaroslav Krejzla; Pavel Šváb
Authors‘ workplace:
Departement of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, General Hospital Znojmo
; Ortopedicko – traumatologické oddělení Nemocnice Znojmo
Published in:
Úraz chir. 14., 2006, č.3
The goal of the study was to determine whether computerassisted surgery has added value in anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction.
Forty patients with ACL reconstruction using a bone patellar tendon bone autograft performed by two techniques (computerassisted and standard) were evaluated roentgenographically to compare the position of the femoral and tibial bone tunnels. Group I consisted of 20 patients in whom the OrthoPilot navigation system was used. Group II patients underwent standard ACL reconstruction. All these patients were then evaluated with AP and lateral roentgenograms according to BernardHertel and Harner.
In group I, the femoral tunnel was placed in the correct position with the deviation up to 8 % in 17 cases (85 %) and in the acceptable position with the deviation up to 14 % in 3 cases (15 %). In the group II, the femoral tunnel was placed in the correct position with the deviation up to 8 % in 7 cases (35 %), in the acceptable position with the deviation up to 14 % in 7 cases (35 %) and in the unacceptable position in 6 cases (30 %). Tibial tunnels were located in both groups with the same accuracy – in the correct position in 18 cases (90 %).
Navigation enables surgeon to better control the positioning of the femoral tunnel.
Key words:
ACL reconstruction, computerassisted surgery.
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Surgery Traumatology Trauma surgeryArticle was published in
Trauma Surgery

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