Jiří Stránský; Oldřich Res; Lenka Bialková
Authors‘ workplace:
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery University Hospital Ostrava
; Klinika ústní, čelistní a obličejové chirurgie FN Ostrava
Published in:
Úraz chir. 16., 2008, č.2
The aim of this study is to present experience of the department in treatment of unstable fractures of mandible. The face is the place where many important functions of everyday life are located and for this reason it presents an important area from the traumatology point of view. The most exposed part is the mandible. The traditional way of fixation of mandibular fractures is intermaxillar fixation. The drawbacks of this method lead to a growing popularity of various types of osteosynthesis.
The fixation with monocortical miniplates has become the standard of treatment This method is suitable for most mandibular fractures, however, it does not present satisfactory results in cases of some more complicated, unstable injuries. One of the possible ways of treating such fractures is rigid, bicortically fixed osteosynthesis, supplemented with a monocortical plate for higher stability.
A total of 218 patients with fractures of the mandible hospitalised at the Department of Dental and Facial Surgery between 2005 and 2006. Almost a half of the cases (103) were treated surgically, with osteosynthesis. Twelve of these patients had a rigid osteosynthesis of the mandible, no cases of surgical treatment failure were reported.
The authors consider the bicortical rigid osteosynthesis of the mandible to be a suitable alternative for the treatment of serious, unstable fractures of the mandible, including in-juries such as multiple fractures, splintery fractures, significantly dislocated fractures, fractures of atrophic mandible or infected fractures. The findings of this study suggest positive outcomes of this type of treatment.
Key words:
fracture of the mandible, „miniplate“, rigid osteosynthesis.
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Surgery Traumatology Trauma surgeryArticle was published in
Trauma Surgery

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