Pelvic ring injury and traction associated bladder trauma
Robert Grill+ 1 5; Valér Džupa+ 2 5; Václav Báča+ 3 5; Michal Otčenášek+ 4 5
Authors‘ workplace:
Department of Urology rd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and University Hospital Kralovske Vinohrady, Praha
1; Urologická klinika 3. LF UK a FNKV, Praha
1; Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology rd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and University Hospital Kralovske Vinohrady, Prague
2; Ortopedicko-traumatologická klinika 3. LF UK a FNKV, Praha
2; Institute of Anatomy, 3rd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague
3; Ústav anatomie 3. LF UK, Praha
3; Institute of Mother and Child Care, Prague
4; Ústav pro péči o matku a dítě, Praha
4; Centre for Integrated Study of the Pelvis, 3rd Faculty of Medicine, Prague
5; Centrum pro integrované studium pánve 3. LF UK, Praha
Published in:
Úraz chir. 17., 2009, č.1
Authors describe cases of two patients with urinary bladder injury in type B pelvic fracture which were caused by external-rotation trauma mechanism. Authors assume traction injury of the urinary bladder. Based on literature sources they discussed anatomical substratum of this type of injury. Exact definition of the anatomical structure is very difficult even if there is a possibility of traction by pubovesical ligament presented in literature.
Key words:
pelvic injury, associated bladder trauma, traction injury, lig. pubovesicale.
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