Upon a detachment of the distal biceps brachii musculus
Martin Sedlář; Filip Burget
Authors‘ workplace:
I. chirurgická klinika I. LFUK a VFN Praha (1st Departement of Surgery 1st Medical Faculty Charles University Prag)
Published in:
Úraz chir. 19., 2011, č.3
Rupture of biceps distal tissue attachment ranks with rather rare injuries of muscles within the elbow joint. It has not been described in literature very often and many surgeons never encounter this type of injury in their whole professional career. Defined sets of patients with this type of injury are also quite small. Based on literature data as well as own professional experience the authors recommend early anatomical reinsertion of the attachment to deperiosted bone in the point of the original attachment by means of a modified Boyďs method. Both experimental data and own experience indicate that this type of operation provides the fastest and most solid healing enabling early rehabilitation and eliminating unfavourable consequences of lengthy immobilization of the elbow joint.
Authors present case reports of 5 patients with the rupture of biceps distal tissue attachment treated at the 1st Department of Surgery within two months period.
Biceps, tendon rupture.
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Surgery Traumatology Trauma surgeryArticle was published in
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