Authors: prof. MUDr. Libor Páč, CSc.
Authors place of work: Anatomický ústav LF MU Brno
Published in the journal: Urol List 2005; 3(4): 5-9


Lymphatic vessels from penis generally end in nodi inguinales superficiales. From there the lymph flows to pelvic nodes.

1. The lymph from the skin of penis goes to nodi inguinales superficiales, mainly to the superomedial group.

2. The lymph from glans penis goes to the same group of superomedial nodes or to nodi inguinales profundi, eventually to nodi illiaci externi, eventually interni.

3. The lymph from corpora cavernosa penis flows to superomedial nodes, to nodi inguinales profundi and to retrofemoraly located nodi lymphatici illiaci externi.

The lymph is conducted from this series of primary regional nodes to other pelvic nodes - nodi lymphatici illiaci externi. According to the drainage direction a "femoral way" through lacuna vasorum and an "inguinal way" through canalis inguinalis exist.

penis, nodi lymphatici inguinalessuperficiales, nodi lympahtici illiaci externi


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Paediatric urologist Urology
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