Authors: E. Geryk *;  D. Pacík;  A. Čermák;  M. Konečný
Authors‘ workplace: Fakultní nemocnice, Brno *
Published in: Urol List 2012; 10(1): 19-25


Of total 899,102 new prostate cancers (PC) in 2008, based in Globocan 2008 (IARC) is estimated 644,044 in more developed and 255,058 in less developed regions, 323,790 in EU, 5,719 in the Czech Republic with expected more than 1,690 thousand cases in the world in 2030. Of total 52,322 new testicular cancers (TC) is estimated 29,228 in more developed and 23,094 in less developed regions, 15,255 in EU, 489 in the Czech Republic with expected nearly 66 thousand cases in the world in 2030. The worldwide numbers aged 65 years and more there were 73.2% of new PC and 87.3% of deaths, respectively 7% and 19% of TC. Czech males reached the 17th order by the crude rate of PC and the 5th order of TC between 20 European countries. In 1959–2008 there were recorded 92,310 PC and 11,693 TC in Czech males, of which were 5,332 (104.3 per 100,000) new PC and 455 (8.9 per 100,000) TC in 2008. Of the worldwide 5-year prevalence 3,200 thousand PC were 42.5% cases and of 201.5 thousand TC were 39.2% cases in Europe. Cross-sectional prevalence in the Czech males increased from 4,935 (98 per 100,000) to 20,436 (408.5 per 100,000) of PC and from 1,944 (38.6 per 100,000) to 6,480 (129.5 per 100,000) of TC. No matter what advances there may be in high-technology medicine, any major reduction in deaths and disability from cancer will come from prevention, not from cure.

Key words:
cancers of prostate and testis, new cases and death, sage distribution, expected numbers in selected regions of the world


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Paediatric urologist Urology

Article was published in

Urological Journal

Issue 1

2012 Issue 1

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