Laparoskopická operace pánevního dna
Část I – laparoskopická kolposuspenze
Část II – laparoskopická kolpopexe
J. Deprest *; E. Werbrouck; S. Manodoro; J. Veldman; J. Verguts; R. Corona; F. Van Der Aa; G. Coremans; D. De Ridder
Authors‘ workplace:
Pelvic Floor Unit, UZ Gasthuisberg Herestraat 49, Belgium
Published in:
Urol List 2012; 10(1): 47-55
Laparoscopy offers great exposure and surgical detail, reduces blood loss and the need for excessive abdominal packing and bowel manipulation making it an excellent modality to perform pelvic floor surgery. Though laparoscopic colposuspension has been shown to be equally effective as an open procedure at 2 years follow-up, it is less practised since the introduction of transvaginal tape procedures. Laparoscopic repair of level I or apical vaginal may be challenging, due to the need for extensive dissection and advanced suturing skills. However it offers the advantages of abdominal sacrocolpopexy, such as lower recurrence rates and less dyspareunia than sacrospinous fixation, as well as the reduced morbidity of a laparoscopic approach.
Key words:
colposuspension, sacrocolpopexy, laparoscopy, mesh, graft related complications, learning curve
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2012 Issue 1
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Laparoskopická operace pánevního dna
Část I – laparoskopická kolposuspenze