Current view on small renal masses

Authors: A. Čermák;  D. Pacík;  V. Vít
Published in the journal: Urol List 2012; 10(3): 6-15


Renal cancers and their treatment represent a significant subfield of uro-oncology. Every single urologist, be it outpatient specialist or clinician, will deal with this condition during his/her practice. A large proportion of diagnostic and therapeutic approaches and monitoring methods are based on imaging. Radiological imaging methods are being continuously improved. Better availability of radiological imaging techniques has resulted in higher rate of small renal masses detection. These tumours are asymptomatic and usually detected incidentally during testing for different indication. Surgery is the standard treatment modality. Alternative options include less invasive approaches (ablation therapy); and conservative treatment is feasible in selected patient population with shorter estimated survival. The authors review current techniques for SRM treatment, their indications and outcomes. Furthermore they discuss the options and principles of active surveillance.

Key words:
small renal masses, ablation therapy, radiofrequency ablation, cryoablation, renal cancer biopsy, active surveillance


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