Pathophysiology of erectile dysfunction

Authors: M. Petrík;  A. Čermák
Authors place of work: Urologická klinika FN Brno a LF MU
Published in the journal: Urol List 2014; 12(1): 6-10


The aim of this article is to present an overview of the current opinions on the pathophysiology of erectile dysfunction. Advances in gene discovery have contributed greatly towards a working knowledge of smooth muscle relaxation/ contraction pathways. The understanding of the nitric oxide pathway has aided in advancing not only in the molecular understanding of the tumescence but also aided greatly in the therapy of erectile dysfunction. Multiple regulatory systems are involved in normal erectile function. Disruption of psychological, neurological, hormonal, vascular, and cavernosal factors, individually or in combination, can induce erectile dysfunction.

Key words:
erectile dysfunction, pathophysiology, signal pathways, regulatory mechanisms


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