Development of medicamentous therapy of ED – past, present and future
V. Vyhnánková; D. Pacík; A. Čermák
Authors‘ workplace:
Urologická klinika FN Brno a LF MU
Published in:
Urol List 2014; 12(1): 19-23
Modern treatment of erectile dysfunction consists mainly of PDE5 inhibitors as the drugs of first choice. They are the easiest to administer with a quick effect. This includes sildenafil (Viagra), tadalafil (Cialis), vardenafil (Levitra) and avanafil (Stendra). Second‑line therapy includes intracavernous or intraurethral submission of prostaglandin. Other modern methods, such as gene therapy, are also promising, but further studies are needed for their validation and application in practice.
Key words:
erectile dysfunction, PDE5 inhibitors, PGE1 prostaglandin
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Paediatric urologist UrologyArticle was published in
Urological Journal
2014 Issue 1
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