Endourologic management of ureteral and ureteroenteric anastomotic stricture disease
R. Syan; O. Shah
Published in:
Urol List 2015; 13(1): 13-18
With improvement in technology, endoscopic management of urologic disease has growing success. Ureteral strictures are a disease process with good outcomes associated with endoscopic treatment. An early challenge is determining the best approach to the stricture, via a retrograde, antegrade, or combined approach. Once the stricture is encountered, balloon dilation or endoureterotomy can be performed. The location, the length, and the nature of the ureteral stricture, with a variety of success rates dependent upon these factors, best determine the decision on approach and treatment. Careful follow up is paramount to treatment success and patient satisfaction.
Key words:
ureteral stricture, ureteroenteric stricture, ureteral obstruction
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