The thyroid gland-running the show behind the scenes – 2nd part

Authors: Z. Límanová
Authors place of work: Univerzita Karlova v Praze, 1. lékařská fakulta, III. interní klinika VFN
Published in the journal: Čas. Lék. čes. 2009; 148: 124-128
Category: Přehledový článek


This paper follows on the previous article and describes the consequences of thyroid dysfunction in other medical branches. When treating celiac disease gastroenterologists should look for coincidentile hypothyreosis, which may also be associated with atrophic gastritis. Treatment by proton pump blockers may influence resorbtion of levothroxin. Heart disease problems in patients with thyreopathy is well known, yet further diagnostic methods may probably reveal even more nuanced heart complications in subclinical cases. The development of autoimmune disease is influenced by treatment with interferon, which is used in other medical branches. In female patients with breast cancer, antithyroid antibodies are found more frequently, and also subclinical dysfunctions are discovered more often than in the control group. Co-operation between gynecologists and endocrinologists may yield significant results, since a min, 4% of pregnant women are unaware of their thyroid malfunction. The malfunction may have negative impact on fetus psychomotoric development. Active search for thyroid gland dysfunction, existence of antibodies is in selected diseases fully warranted.

Key words:
thyroid, thyroid antibodies, celiacia, breast carcinoma, pregnancy.


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