Occupational Noise-Induced Hearing Impairment – Part 1

Authors: I. Havelková
Authors place of work: ORL oddělení, Oblastní nemocnice Kolín, a. s., Kolín
Published in the journal: Otorinolaryngol Foniatr, 66, 2017, No. 2, pp. 71-74.
Category: Přehledový článek


Occupational hearing impairment caused by long-term noise exposure results in irreversible change – basocochlear sensorineural hearing loss which can be assessed by the means of the tone audiometry. Subsequently, audiology test results enable to analyze the hearing loss percentage (Fowler method) and to assess the noise-induced hearing impairment for the purposes of preventive healthcare. Prevention is the sole method capable of reducing the occurrence of the occupational noise-induced impairment. The prevention healthcare criteria are clearly defined and easily adhered to (11). A retrospective study on the occurrence of the occupational noise-induced hearing impairment in the Czech Republic (1973-2014) was carried out on the set of data contained in the National Institute of Public Health annual reports – the registry of the occupational diseases (14). Furthermore, a pilot analysis was performed on the sample of 283 noise-exposed patients who underwent the preventive healthcare check at the otorhinolaryngology ambulance of the Zelený Pruh Health Centre (Jan 2013 – May 2015). This medical survey allowed to evaluate the preventive healthcare and to compare the outcomes on the national as well as the lowest (ambulance) level. The occurrence of the occupational noise-induced hearing impairment has decreased significantly (up to 20 cases per year). Out of 283 patients, 131 suffered from the sensorineural hearing loss, three of them reaching the level of industrial disability. The declining number of the reported cases may lead to the false assumption that the issue of occupational noise-induced hearing impairment is neither serious nor topical.

occupational noise-induced hearing impairment, industrial disability, occupational noise-induced hearing loss, occurrence, preventive healthcare


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Audiológia a foniatria Detská otorinolaryngológia Otorinolaryngológia
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