Population Immunity against Serotype-2 Poliomyelitis Leading up to the Global Withdrawal of the Oral Poliovirus Vaccine: Spatio-temporal Modelling of Surveillance Data
Isobel Mary Blake and colleagues use spatio-temporal modelling of surveillance data to estimate population immunity leading up to the global withdrawal of serotype-2 oral poliovirus vaccine.
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Population Immunity against Serotype-2 Poliomyelitis Leading up to the Global Withdrawal of the Oral Poliovirus Vaccine: Spatio-temporal Modelling of Surveillance Data. PLoS Med 13(10): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1002140
Research Article
Isobel Mary Blake and colleagues use spatio-temporal modelling of surveillance data to estimate population immunity leading up to the global withdrawal of serotype-2 oral poliovirus vaccine.
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