Sanitation and Hygiene-Specific Risk Factors for Moderate-to-Severe Diarrhea in Young Children in the Global Enteric Multicenter Study, 2007–2011: Case-Control Study
In a matched case-control study, Kelly Baker and colleagues explore the association between sanitation and hygiene exposures and moderate-to-severe diarrhea in young children in Africa and South Asia.
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Sanitation and Hygiene-Specific Risk Factors for Moderate-to-Severe Diarrhea in Young Children in the Global Enteric Multicenter Study, 2007–2011: Case-Control Study. PLoS Med 13(5): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1002010
Research Article
In a matched case-control study, Kelly Baker and colleagues explore the association between sanitation and hygiene exposures and moderate-to-severe diarrhea in young children in Africa and South Asia.
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