Recommendations for the so‑called off‑label use of medicinal products in COVID-19 patients

Authors: P. Šustek;  T. Holčapek;  M. Šolc
Authors‘ workplace: Centrum zdravotnického práva a Katedra občanského práva, Právnická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy, Praha
Published in: Anest. intenziv. Med., 31, 2020, č. 3, s. 119-123
Category: Review Articles


During the epidemic of COVID-19, there often arises an urgent need for the so-called off-label use of medicinal products, i.e. use of a medicinal product that is not in accordance with its Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC). Most often, a medicinal product registered for a different indication is used. The goal of this paper is to provide the reader with an analysis of legal conditions under which the off-label use of medicinal products in COVID-19 patients is legally safe. If the provider of health services fulfils these conditions, they will not be held liable for immaterial harm that could potentially occur to the patient.


COVID-19 – off -label use of medicinal products – legal liability


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