Coeliac disease
Přemysl Falt 1,2
; P. Fojtík 1; V. Šmajstrla 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Centrum péče o zažívací trakt, Vítkovická nemocnice, Ostrava
1; LF OU v Ostravě
Published in:
Kardiol Rev Int Med 2014, 16(3): 219-223
Internal Medicine
Coeliac disease is a common lifelong autoimmune disorder triggered by gluten consumption in genetically predisposed patients. Chronic inflammatory response damages the mucosa of the small intestine resulting in villous atrophy with chronic maldigestion and malabsorption. Untreated coeliac disease may present with a variety of intestinal and extraintestinal symptoms and complications, the most serious of which is a small intestine lymphoma. The diagnosis is usually established by specific serology markers and villous atrophy in duodenal biopsy. The causal and, in most cases, effective treatment modality is a strict and life‑ long gluten‑free diet that leads to regeneration of the intestinal mucosa and reduces the risk of serious complications.
coeliac disease – gluten – malabsorption – gluten‑free diet
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Paediatric cardiology Internal medicine Cardiac surgery CardiologyArticle was published in
Cardiology Review

2014 Issue 3
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