Hypertension is not just disease requiring medication

Authors: Koudelka M.;  Sovová E.
Authors place of work: Klinika tělovýchovného lékařství a kardiovaskulární rehabilitace FN Olomouc
Published in the journal: Kardiol Rev Int Med 2018, 20(4): 294-299


Education of arterial hypertension patients presents an important part of the treatment regimens. It improves patients’ awareness and knowledge of the disease and adherence to the treatment regimen that improves prognosis of the disease and the quality of the lives of patients and their relatives, and results in better compliance. The aim of the research was to evaluate the current situation of education of arterial hypertension patients living in Austria, their adherence to the treatment regimen, possible risks related to their neglect, and overall compliance. One hundred arterial hypertension patients took part in the research carried out in a private internal ambulance in Vienna by means of a 20-minute interview. The results show that the importance of education of patients is underestimated and manageable risk factors of cardiovascular disease are often not known to the patients. Patients are not informed about the substances influencing the blood pressure (BP) (30%), influence of medication (78%), medications increasing BP (48%), influence of alcohol (58%), nicotine (73%), and salt (58%). More than half of the patients are not aware that also their weight (62%) or physical activities (54%) play their role in influencing BP. One third of the patients do not have any idea about what to do in non-standard situations (35%) and what risks are associated with non-compliance with the treatment regimen (32%). Almost one half of the patients (48%) were not educated about how to measure their BP and 80% of patients were not given the opportunity of a live demonstration of BP measuring. For each risk factor, a better BP education led to increased motivation and willingness to change in more than 50% of patients involved in the study. Further research is needed to map the current situation in the Czech Republic because we estimate that the situation will be similar.

Key words:

arterial hypertension – treatment regimens – education of patients


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