‘Sugars Interfere’ or Glycomics in the Field of Cancer Biomarkers

Authors: M. Zahradníková;  B. Vojtěšek;  L. Hernychová
Authors‘ workplace: Regionální centrum aplikované molekulární onkologie, Masarykův onkologický ústav, Brno
Published in: Klin Onkol 2015; 28(Supplementum 2): 20-25
doi: https://doi.org/10.14735/amko20152S20


Glycomics is concerned with detection and characterization of glycans present in biological samples. It is well‑known that glycan structures impart high degree of structural diversity to biomolecules and thus add wide‑ ranging biological functions, such as cellular recognition, adhesion or involvement in cellular signaling pathways. They substantially participate in oncogenesis, e. g. in phases of invasion, metastasis and angiogenesis. Therefore, analysis of glycan structures in tumor tissues or body liquids is a promising tool for searching for potential tumor biomarkers essential for an early diagnosis of the neoplastic disease. The presented review describes the process of glycosylation and the origination of N  and O  glycans, presenting examples of glycan profiling in pancreatic, prostate and ovarian cancer.

Key words:
glycomics –  tumor biomarker –  pancreatic cancer –  prostate cancer –  ovarian cancer

This study was supported by IGA MH CR NT/13794-4/2012, by the European Regional Development Fund and the State Budget of the Czech Republic (RECAMO, CZ.1.05/2.1.00/03.0101), MEYS – NPS I – LO1413, by MH CZ – DRO (MMCI, 00209805) and by BBMRI_CZ (LM2010004).

The authors declare they have no potential conflicts of interest concerning drugs, products, or services used in the study.

The Editorial Board declares that the manuscript met the ICMJE “uniform requirements” for biomedical papers.

10. 4. 2015

25. 6. 2015


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Paediatric clinical oncology Surgery Clinical oncology

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Clinical Oncology

Issue Supplementum 2

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