Complicated Herpetic Necrotising Meningoencephalitis Requiring Neurosurgical Intervention –  a Case Report

Authors: P. Prášil
Authors‘ workplace: Klinika infekčních nemocí LF UK a FN Hradec Králové
Published in: Cesk Slov Neurol N 2010; 73/106(3): 308-311
Category: Case Report


Herpetic diseases of the central nervous system, in particular certain forms of necrotising meningoencephalitis, are always perceived as a serious conditions. What may render this infection lethal is bleeding into encephalitic parts within the brain. Close collaboration between infectologist, neurologist, neurosurgeon and the radiodiagnostic team is vital to diagnosis and therapy. This study addresses viral herpes simplex types 1 and type 2, their pathophysiology, diagnostics and treatment. It also outlines the casuistics of complicated herpetic necrotising meningoencephalitis requiring neurosurgical intervention.

Key words:
neuroinfections – herpes simplex type 1– herpes simplex type 2 – necrotizing encephalitis – intracranial hemorrhage


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Paediatric neurology Neurosurgery Neurology

Article was published in

Czech and Slovak Neurology and Neurosurgery

Issue 3

2010 Issue 3
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