EkoSonic SVTM System for Interventional Therapy in Ischemic Stroke Patients
T. Jonszta 1; D. Czerný 1; J. Krajča 1; M. Kuliha 2; M. Roubec 2; D. Školoudík 2; V. Procházka 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Oddělení intervenční radiologie a angiologie, FN Ostrava
1; Neurologická klinika LF OU a FN Ostrava
Published in:
Cesk Slov Neurol N 2013; 76/109(3): 329-335
Original Paper
We evaluate retrospective data of eleven consecutive patients treated with targeted intra- arterial rt- PA administration with simultaneous endovascular ultrasound insonation with EkoSonic SVTM catheter.
Material and methods:
Eleven patients with medial cerebral artery or basilar artery occlusion were treated, 7 men, 4 women, average age 65.1 years. EkoSonic SVTM catheter was used for medial cerebral artery and basilar artery occlusion treatment.
We were unable to navigate the catheter to the occlusion site in one patient, the vessel was recanalized by mechanical thrombus extraction and stent implantation. Artery recanalization was achieved in nine out of ten patients in whom the insonation was performed. Complete recanalization after insonation with EkoSonicTM system was noted in four patients, prior interventions on the proximal access arteries were performed in two of these patients. The result after insonation was suboptimal in three patients (TICI 1– 2) and, therefore, a different type of mechanical recanalization was used in two patients and IIb/ IIIa blocator was administered in one patient. After insonation, vessel reopening was not achieved in three patients – the artery was recanalized by direct stent placement in two of them and the procedure was terminated in one. Haemorrhagic complications were not detected in any patient.
Favourable results for artery recanalization rate were achieved, no adverse events nor complications were detected. The EkoSonic SVTM intra‑ arterial thrombolytic system represents a very promising alternative to other mechanical methods of intracranial artery recanalization in patients with acute ischemic stroke.
Key words:
stroke – intra-arterial thrombolysis – endovascular techniques – EkoSonic SVTM catheter
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