Drug Policy in Slovakia and its Reflection in Prescription2.Prescription of Extemporaneously Prepared Drugs According to the Specialization ofPhysicians

Lieková politika na Slovensku a jej odraz v preskripcii2.Preskripcia IPL podľa odbornosti lekárov

Cieľom práce je analýza frekvencie lekárskych predpisov skupiny IPL vo vzťahu k odbornostilekárov.Podkladom pre vyhodnotenie bola databáza expedovaných Rp štyroch lekární počas 14,5mesiacov v rokoch 1999 –2000.Celkový počet Rp bol 133 857,z čoho s IPL bolo 5615 (4,2 %).Podielodborných lekárov na IPL receptúre bol 7 %,praktických lekárov 1,4 %.Z odborných lekárovnajvyšší podiel na receptúre IPL mali dermatológovia,otolaryngológovia a pediatri.Hodnotila sa ajekonomická stránka preskripcie liekov skupiny IPL.Priemerná hodnota Rp s IPL bola 68,40 Sk,čopredstavuje 17,8 %priemernej hodnoty Rp s HVL.

Klíčová slova:
farmakoekonomika – preskripcia liekov – individuálne pripravované lieky –odbornosť lekárov

Authors: V. Špringer;  I. Kišška
Authors‘ workplace: Katedra organizácie a riadenia farmácie Farmaceutickej fakulty Univerzity Komenského, Bratislava
Published in: Čes. slov. Farm., 2002; , 186-189


The paper aims to analyze the frequency of medical prescriptions for the group of extemporaneouslyprepared drugs in relation to the specialization of physicians.The evaluation is based on thedatabase of prescriptions dispensed by four pharmacies within 14.5 months in the years 1999 –2000.The total number of prescriptions was 133 857,out of which 5615 (4.2 %)were extemporaneouspreparations.The share of specialists in the prescription of extemporaneous drugs was 7 %,that ofgeneral practitioners,1.4 %.Out of the specialists,the largest share in the prescription of extemporaneously prepared drugs belonged to dermatologists,otorhinolaryngologists,and pediatricians.Theeconomic aspect of prescription of the group of extemporaneous drugs was also evaluated.Theaverage value of a medical prescription for an extemporaneously prepared drug was 68.40 SK,whichrepresents 17.8 %of the average value of a medical prescription for a mass-produced drug.

Key words:
pharmacoeconomics –drug prescription –extemporaneously prepared drugs –specialization of physicians

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