A study of dissolution profiles of tramadol hydrochloride from the dosage forms with controlled release of the matrix and multiple unit types
V. Kormanová 1; B. Vladovičová 1; Ž. Bezáková 3; M. Vítková 2; J. Škodová 1; Š. Zoričák 1; V. Hubinová 1; M. Rabišková 4; K. Dvořáčková 4
Authors‘ workplace:
Zentiva a. s., Hlohovec
1; Farmaceutická fakulta Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave, Katedra galenickej farmácie
2; Farmaceutická fakulta Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave, Katedra farmaceutickej chémie
3; Veterinární a farmaceutická univerzita Brno, Farmaceutická fakulta, Ústav technologie léků
Published in:
Čes. slov. Farm., 2010; 59, 210-218
Original Articles
The aim of the experimental paper was to evaluate the achieved retardation of prepared modified release formulations containing tramadol hydrochloride as an active ingredient by comparison of the dissolution profiles and to study the dissolution mechanism using mathematical models. The release of the active ingredient from the matrix tablet and multiple unit dosage form containing the coated microspheres was compared with the marketed once daily dosed modified release dosage forms of tramadol hydrochloride. The measured data were compared with the published pharmacokinetic data of available once daily formulations. Based on the evaluation of in vitro dissolution profiles, it can be assumed that the chosen formulations of matrix tablets using polyacrylate Eudragit NE 30 as a matrix-forming polymer and a pellet reservoir system containing the Kollicoat SR membrane allow to achieve the pharmacokinetic profile complying with the requirements for the dosage form of tramadol hydrochloride assuring a 24-hours prolonged effect of the active ingredient. The dissolution method employed is able to yield the results corresponding with the published data and predicting the differences in pharmacokinetic profiles described in the literature 4–6).
Key words:
tramadol hydrochloride – dissolution profile – dissolution mechanism – modified release
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Pharmacy Clinical pharmacologyArticle was published in
Czech and Slovak Pharmacy

2010 Issue 5
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