On the content of the National part of the Czech Pharmacopoeia 2017
Jan Šubert; Jozef Kolář
Published in:
Čes. slov. Farm., 2018; 67, 81-84
Original Article
This paper deals with the content of the national part of the Czech Pharmacopoeia (CP) 2017 in terms of preparation of pharmaceuticals in pharmacies, quantitative methods for controlling their quality and their usable life. Despite the longer time span of the CP 2017 since the CP 2009, compared to the CP 2009 from the CP 2005, the content of the CP 2017 can not be evaluated as a more pronounced shift from the national part of the CP 2009. Some issues of the national section of the CP 2017 are discussed in detail in the paper.
Key words:
Czech Pharmacopoeia 2017 • content of the national part • preparation of medicinal products in pharmacies
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Pharmacy Clinical pharmacologyArticle was published in
Czech and Slovak Pharmacy

2018 Issue 2
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