Friedrich Jakub Fuker and his universal preventive tincture

Authors: František Šimon
Published in: Čes. slov. Farm., 2023; 72, 141-144
Category: History of Pharmacy
doi: https://doi.org/10.5817/CSF2023-3-141


Fridrich Jakub Fuker (1749–1805), a physician from Košice, is the author of works on medical topics, as well as works on social life. In addition to his medical practice, he also owned a pharmacy, and his short work on a universal preventive tincture is related to this. The author argues that there is no universal medicine, but it is possible to prepare a universal preventive preparation suitable for everyone, every age and sex. Fuker has announced that he will prepare such a tincture, available in his pharmacy, along with information on its use. However, he did not divulge its composition, as supposedly, any physician knowledgeable in the matter would figure it out on his own. With the universal tincture, Fuker abandoned rational medicine, perhaps suffering from involutional depression or acting as a salesman.


pharmacy in the 18th century – universal preventive – Fridrich Jakub Fuker


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Pharmacy Clinical pharmacology
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